Monday, March 26, 2007

One Day

It takes months for a book I order for the library to actually arrive. I'm always thrilled to get an email from the library that it's in. Ordering library books will be my secret legacy for Sogang.

Last fall I ordered Barack Obama's Audacity of Hope, which arrived when I was on vaction in the US. When I got back, it was checked out. I spied it amongst the teetering piles of books in my friend Donald's office. When he was done with it, we arranged to go to the library together to return and then immediately check out the book. We went last week.

Usually, any book I want to read is on the shelf. Reading is not a big pasttime here. I had no worries.

When the library clerk, checked in Audacity, it turned out that someone requested it. Another month wait at least. I tried to sign up for the list via the computer but for some reason this was impossible. (I'll try again.) I think the system's got a 1 request limit.

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